so the detroit welfare queens have ripped us off – again. basically, our overlords have decided, in their infinite wisdom, that those who live within the imaginary lines they have…
state regulation is worse than no regulation
in an email the other day, a friend sent me this cartoon. i like the idea here illustrating the nature of the corporate state, or the fascist economy of the…
genocide in gaza
shame on the murderous isreali government for their recent bloody raids against innocent palestinians. dozens of civilians have been murdered, including many children. thankfully we have governments to continue the…
the blagojevich “scandal”
i don’t get this. didn’t folks notice that this guy is a governor – a professional criminal? it’s really either disingenuous or naive to be surprised or outraged by something…
the green paradox
can anyone believe that there are still folks out there who believe in anthropogenic (man-made) global warming? not only is there no real evidence that global warming is even happening,…
what is evil?
the term “evil” is thrown around a lot. i hear it mentioned by various people to describe the acts of others, or the motivations behind actions and few people use…
(world) war (II) – what is it good for?
today, some folks will be commemorating the attack on pearl harbor. i figured i could take this opportunity to briefly make some points about world war 2 in general and…
the lynching of plaxico burress
on november 28 of this year, NFL wide receiver plaxico burress accidentally shot himself in the leg with a handgun he was carrying in a new york city nightclub. the…