can you count the times you’ve seen these bumper stickers? “support our troops!” “freedom isn’t free” how often have you heard the words, “…soldiers fought and died for our freedom”,…
how to tell if you are a slave
do you have to bend to the arbitrary will of others or be locked up, tortured or killed? you might be a slave. do have to pay someone else a…
the constitution
i hear lots of talk about the constitution, especially from those new to the libertarian movement. it mostly revolves around how great the constitution is and how smart the “founding…
best joke ever?
punchline: it’s a free country. free to do what? in the u.s. (and most any other place on the planet), citizens are not free at all. virtually every aspect of…
government “charity”
i keep seeing the u.s. navy commercial on t.v. where they talk about the tsunami of 2005 and how the navy came to save the day. doesn’t that sound wonderful?!…
are criminals and their victims the same thing? in the story linked to, 57% of u.s. voters prefer military action against north korea because they fired off another of their utterly pathetic “missiles”. these things are, at…
gun control = murder
it took a long time for the issue of gun control to come up on this blog. i guess i just think that the argument is so dead among true…
risk and control
this is just a musing on the relationship of control and risk. when people are controlled through threat of force, their quality of life will drop because they are kept…