i heard, to my dismay, our dear lord and master, emperor obama, speaking on a CNBC news feed about the new CAFE standards for american automobiles. he mentioned that the…
thugs, busy-bodies and legitimized crime
here’s a classic example of what thugs and busy-bodies do when they gain centralized power. in san fransisco, rules have been enacted by the local city crime syndicate (government) to…
what about the roads?
for whatever reason, one of the first things that comes up in proposing the abolition of the state to someone who is new to the idea is who will build…
the state is no protector
one of the keys to breaking through the propaganda and learning the truth behind the state is in realizing that politicians, bureaucrats, regulators and the like are nothing more than…
the unreachable dead
one of the best things about facebook is the insight it gives into the mindsets of people. in michael cloud’s book, “the art of persuasion”, he references those whose minds…
those funny republicans
kay bailey hutchison was on cnbc the other day discussing the fate of the republican party. she said she didn’t want to see it relegated to regional influence (mostly in…