a coworker, learning the ropes, commented the other day that he would do anything he was told, as long as it wasn’t against the law. when i heard this it…
political action is for the weak
there are many concerned individuals out there about where “our country” is headed. i hear call after call for political action against this or that legislation. i should call or…
they defend their abusers
when speaking to the faithful about their god, the state, one gets many reactions, often of the defensive nature. never mind the facts or the indisputable nature of the logic;…
the fourth quarter
these are certainly interesting times. those who have experience in the stock markets and have a knowledge of real (austrian) economics, seem to have a crystal ball for economic prognostication….
assuming that all people have the same rights, why is it that all are not condemned for certain rights violations, nor are all praised for criminal acts? for example, it…