in the story linked to, 57% of u.s. voters prefer military action against north korea because they fired off another of their utterly pathetic “missiles”. these things are, at…
gun control = murder
it took a long time for the issue of gun control to come up on this blog. i guess i just think that the argument is so dead among true…
risk and control
this is just a musing on the relationship of control and risk. when people are controlled through threat of force, their quality of life will drop because they are kept…
the left is better
whoda thunk it, but barack obama is actually worse than W. not only has he escalated the war in afganistan and done nothing about iraq, but he’s done everythying possible…
us and them
one of the most important things for people to understand is how to bridge the gap between all of these ideas and the real world. it’s important to understand that…
the vice of collectivism
i heard a guy (typical of one entering the freedom movement) refer to the u.s as “my country”. he had correctly realized that the state was at the root cause…
politics and philosophy
politics, for the average person, is one of the most moronic pursuits possible. many folks love to dabble in it, with hilariously ignorant, contradictory or hypocritical results. it’s a game…
civility among anarchists
anarchists come in a variety of ideologies, just as statists do. but one will rarely see two anarchists get into a frenzied argument about who is right or wrong, as…
injustice + ineffectiveness = statutory law
as mentioned in the previous post, crime is any aggression against a peaceful individual’s person or property. any law is unjust that includes aggression against the property of any peaceful…