as is the nature of being an anarchist in the freedom movement, i have many minarchist friends. for those who don’t know what these terms mean, an anarchist (an=no, archos=rulers)…
Anarchy! What it is and What it isn’t
First things first: anarchy is not chaos. In fact, the philosophy, which has many quite different factions, is based on the moral and practical goal of greater social order through…
illegal immigration
a major, ongoing concern in the u.s. is that of illegal immigration. as is so often the case, the mainstream debate revolves around logic (or the lack thereof) stemming from…
that “render unto caesar” passage
My post entitled “Christianity and the state” lays out a strong case against the compatibility of government and Christianity. often, as should be expected, the passage in the bible in…
remember not to vote!
yes, i’ve written on this subject before. i felt like i should be more clear and concise on the argument i make against voting. looking back at those earlier posts,…
how to think like a politician, part 1: practical corporatism
classic! a lesson in thinking like a politician: currently, BP’s liability for the spill in the gulf is capped by law at $75 million. republicans tend to support that, democrats…
culpability lies in actions, not words
it’s been a common topic here: criminality. as i’ve stated before, true criminality is not a legal matter, but a philosophical one. criminality involves the violation of the person or…
stumbling over exceptionalism
as i get older i realize that many of the long-enduring cliches remain in use for a good reason. mostly because they represent aspects of life that must be repeated…
the socialist religion
the ideas of socialism, or the titled control of the means of production by the state, are alive and well among the masses. even those denouncing the new u.s. president…