today is the federal holiday designated to honor the dr. reverend martin luther king jr., a man widely recognized as the premier leader of the civil rights movement of the…
logic – it’s not that difficult.
i get subscribed, somehow, to all kinds of email lists (i even get automated calls from congressional reps- how the hell did they get my number?). a couple of them…
the state: spinning straw from gold
the people’s republic of california has decided to ban large screen televisions in an attempt to free up power for household use. because we’re so used to the inefficiency of…
the police market
last year, i wrote a couple of entries about the market alternatives to state-monopolized justice and regional defense. i sort of passed off the police issue because the ideas were…
anarchism: divisions and similarities
anarchism is the fundamental and unbending belief in the libertarian principle of non-aggression; that no one has the right to aggress against the person or property others, summed up in…
sanctions are an abomination
in its incessant march to war, the u.s. government has called for increased sanctions on iran. what this means is that the u.s. wants to forcibly restrict the trade that…
the coming war of aggression on iran
the drumbeat is pounding in the media for war against iran. as with most drives to war, it is the brainchild of the most evil and unscrupulous of sociopathic monsters…
artificial culture
it’s often mind-boggling how many cultures and languages there are in the world and how diverse humanity is, considering we all share virtually the same genetic makeup. there are a…
my story
one might ask how anyone could end up as a market anarchist. we’re certainly not a majority, so a thoughtful person may wonder what leads a person to such a…